Our Mission

To implement inclusive conservation solutions that foster mutual benefits for both nature and people.
We build upon local knowledge and existing community systems to implement solutions that strengthen environmental stewardship among indigenous people and local communities to ensure the long term conservation of biodiversity in northern Kenya while enhancing the climate adaptive capacity of communities.

NaPO envisions a future where IPLCs are respected as key stakeholders in conservation efforts, and their traditional knowledge and existing community systems are valued and integrated into conservation and restoration strategies.

Creating a Future in which People and Nature co-exist in harmony.

How We Work

Meaningful collaborations for lasting impact

Supporting communities

For our efforts to be sustainable, we actively support indigenous communities whose lives are deeply connected to natural systems

Partnering with government

We work with county governments and national government agencies.

Engaging the private sector

We work with the private sector to strengthen value chains through enhanced market linkages so as to increase incomes and improve livelihoods.